Strawberry’s favorite color is orange: Juice recipe

This juice would go great with my burrito recipe, so make sure to check that out.

I had some extra strawberries and oranges that were about to go bad, so rather than throwing them out, clearly juice was the logical decision. This will serve about two people. Double the water measurements, and it would serve max about four.

Straight to it then: you’ll need a box of strawberries and three or four oranges (can be substituted by OJ). 

Cut the berries in half and throw them into a blender. Roll the oranges on a hard surface, cut them in half and squeeze the orange juice in until you’ve got about an inch of juice in the blender.

Add about two cups of water and two tablespoons of sugar (or splenda for those on a diet or with diabetes).

Blend thoroughly. 

If desired, add a cup of vanilla or strawberry yogurt to make this into a smoothie.

And if you’re looking for a dessert, substitute the two cups of water with milk and add about a cup (or two wink, wink) of vanilla or strawberry ice cream and DON’T add the orange juice. Okay, so I essentially just gave you a strawberry milkshake recipe.

Whatever recipe you choose, MAKE SURE TO PUT THE MIX INTO THE FRIDGE when it’s ready. The colder the better!

This entry was published on January 25, 2012 at 10:26 pm. It’s filed under How-Tos and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

3 thoughts on “Strawberry’s favorite color is orange: Juice recipe

  1. I love smoothies! I bet frozen bananas would be wonderful in this too. yum!

  2. I love it, it was really good Gabby, my grandma use to add also carrots.

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